I am absolutely delighted to announce that Julia Banks has announced that the Federal Government will complete the final piece of the pie and honour their election commitment of $2.1 million dollars towards the Waverley Gymnastics project. This is absolutely fantastic news and very exciting. We now finally have all three stakeholders on board, the City of Monash, the State Government via Steve Dimopoulous and John Eren and the Federal Government via Julia Banks MP.
It is very exciting to be able to deliver such a massive project that will have long lasting effects not only for Waverley Gymnastics Centre but also for the residents of Oakleigh and Monash.
Read Julia’s press release here: http://waverley.gymnastics.org.au/files/68538/files/news/2016/Media_Release_Julia_Banks.pdf
Find out more about the project here: http://waverley.gymnastics.org.au/pageitem.aspx?id=119540&id2=1&eID=68538&entityID=68538